Los Secretos Del Alma

Regressive Therapist
María Moguel
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¿Who I am?

For a while now I have been helping others with the good guidance I received. The name of this helpful process is Regressive Therapy and it really worked for me and for my clients as well.

It is a straightforward path which I can help you take step by step that will truly change your life.

My name is María Moguel, now a Regressive Therapist, coach and process facilitator. I assist people of all walks of life along their personal growth process of releasing their emotional stresses through Regressive Therapy.  In addition, I help entrepreneurs unlock the hidden barriers within themselves which are preventing them from getting the best out of themselves and thus enable them to finally grow exponentially.

After I graduated in Graphic Design at the Fray Bartolomé de las Casas University in Chiapas, Mexico and I worked in Estrategia, S.C. for 5 years as Manager of the Advertising Department and then for a while I dedicated myself to oil painting.

I have been trained in and started my practice focusing only on Pranic Healing, a technique based on a “touchless” energy healing system based on the fundamental principle that the body has the innate ability to heal itself.

Problems in the physical body are usually associated with imbalances in the body energy. Pranic healing teaches a method to detect, explore, locate, identify and correct the specific problems in the aura and chakras, even before the disorder manifests itself at a physical level. Basically, it works by first cleaning the forms of energy that distort and alter us and then provide energy that reinforces our subtle structures, auras and chakras. Not only do we eliminate what leads us to feel and act in unpleasant and dissonant ways, but at the same time we energize that part of the person’s behavior that we want to empower.

Earlier I trained at the Bob Proctor and Tony Robbins schools where I first developed a better understanding of myself through knowledge of the mind, body and emotions.

All of these disciplines are very valuable tools that have helped me understand myself better, and then be able to help others understand themselves and alleviate their personal conflicts and their environment. However, to be very honest, they did not get to the roots and causes of my pains and problems that prevented me from living fully and successfully.

After so much seeking I finally came across Regressive Therapy. That was when I knew I had found what I had been longing for since I was very little: “Soul Therapy”. In a short version of my story below I will tell you about the transformation and quantum leap that I have personally experienced with this therapy.

¿Do You Dare to Bare Your Soul?

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